It is a clear fact that the Porn Industry is the most earning all-over the world. In fact, a porn actor or actress will earn ten times more than a normal actor. Porn has been the most searched item on the internet and Porn websites are the most visited. But have you taken out some time to question the Porn Industry in Uganda?
Or all along you had never realized that Uganda has its own fair share of adult movies and Porn movies. In times where it’s difficult to draw a line between adult and Porn, we shall consider it all as Porn.
The Ugandan Porn Industry has been fronted mainly by the Sengas and Kojjas. In fact, many began off by showing nude photos on Facebook. But Facebook kept closing such accounts due to the nudism. Not long after, Nkumba University students released a Porn Movie of sorts and two weeks later KIU students released their own version of a Porn Movie. These movies have been popular in the background and they have earned the resellers a fortune.
If you are to watch a Ugandan Porn Movie, you will be met by shaky camera movements. The viewing is uncensored, unedited and there are no special effects or photo shopping. In fact, during one of the shooting of such a movie that the scoop team landed on, the video directors at the end of the video shot engaged in sexual activities with the actresses and among themselves.
Most are shot in dark rooms; some are shot in hideouts and others in the many booming apartments around town. Some of these movies are later resold to the outside world since it pays off more.
Voiceovers are done in Luganda and the Senga or Kojja takes on this role. Different terms are used such as ‘okusikiina’ and ‘okukomba entaamu’. The Ugandan Porn movies are the epitome of vulgarities.
To get the actresses, the ssengas sometimes sweet talk some of the many prostitutes around town while some of the actors volunteer to play some of the parts for free. These ssenga movies are sold at prices not less than 30-40K compared to the normal porn movies which go for a mere 1K at Majestic Plaza.
And, these porn movies emphasize the woman as one with the highest responsibility during sex. Little is said about the man and hygiene is recommended plus such Buganda cultural norms like ‘okukyaliiira ensiiko”-elongating the labias.
A female writer went undercover, pretending to be in need of a job as an actress and was directed to appear for a practical interview. During the interviews, she was directed to undress and the Kojja of sorts began observing her body features, massaging her and feeling her body. The next hurdle, she was required to take an HIV test before having a sexual encounter with this Kojja. Her would be salary was meant to be 60K per appearance she made in a movie.
Whether this is modernization, but behind the Ssenga and Kojjas, is a booming porn Industry in Uganda. In fact, at Majestic Plaza and nearby plazas, there are some famous wholesalers of such porn movies and many have grown rich which shoes that the demand for these movies is high.
The Ssengas say that they ventured into movies because they can be watched again and again compared to talks which a person has to pay for everytime. “Talks can also be strenuous and difficult to attend for many couples so DVDs are simply there to help,” a ssenga explains. The Ssengas also confirmed that their biggest customers are ladies who want to improve their sexual life. Men on the other hand usually come in to have fun during the porn movie shooting sessions.
So we ask, who regulates this Porn Industry in Uganda?