In a shocking incident at Lugogo Cricket Oval, Grenade Official, amidst a high-energy performance, found himself at the center of an arrest as security forces swooped in and escorted him out of the venue.
This sudden arrest left fans with speculati in on swirling about the reasons behind the incident.
While the exact cause of Grenade’s arrest remains unclear, rumors suggest it could be linked to a previous altercation involving Sheilah Gashumba’s partner, RickMan, at La Terazza bar in Kisementi.
Sheilah Gashumba had promised that she will look for Grenade and have him arrested and since then Grenade Official controlled his movements especially in public places.
However, amidst the uncertainty, a few hours later news surfaced of Grenade Official’s release, reportedly facilitated by the intervention of fellow musician Eddy Kenzo.
As the Uganda Musicians’ President, Kenzo’s advocacy for artist rights and privileges once again came into play, ensuring Grenade’s freedom.