By Sam Ugandan
5. Very hard to know if a cat is annoyed unlike other animals like dogs (how does it relate to a woman), if a woman is quiet you can’t know if she is thinking or she is angry with you.
4. Secretive: you’ll never see a cat having sex in public or even in darkness because everything they do is done secretly, for a woman you’ll never easily know if she is cheating on you, if she loves you for you or for your money, if you are weak in bed, if the kids that you have with her are really yours e.t.c.
3. If you are playing a ball in front of it, it will first wait for you to finish. A woman will first wait for a man to first cum before she cums, talk before she talks, wait for a man to first slap her before she slaps back.
2. If you call a cat when a visitor comes at home, it will refuse to come. Women are attracted to those who ignore them, when they fall in love they forget about friends, family and tend to entrust strangers more.
1. Share first five letters in the word PUSSYCAT and they are all very important to a woman and if you are man and you don’t have a cat in your home you’ll either look for it elsewhere or you’ll bring one at home and continue looking for others elsewhere.