Leone Island’s rising artiste Ziza Diziza has once again released a very X-rated video to the market to consume.
Amidst criticism we absorbed his first “Gal Bubble” which he did with AK 47 with hope his next will be a PG or rated 13 video. However, the singer has paid a deaf ear to the previous complaints and has still gone ahead to do another similar video.
In his “one more time” Diziza show cases naked women on camera, close to clap dat by his mentor Konshens he parades naked women.
Just months back singer Prisca Mikami was asked to re-shoot her ‘ Am in the mood’ video by all Television stations for containing explicit material yet Diziza hasn’t picked a leaf from this incident. Though the song is currently a club banger, it could take a little time for people to become familiar with the video as it is not being given a warm reception. For someone trying to make an impact as a new comer, maybe such extremely explicit material is not the way to go.