Pushed to the wall, Bebe Cool had no other choice.With his album launch just months away, their smooth flowing relationship that spanned over a decade turned viscous, thick like gravy, over flowing with ego and self importance.
According to the Gagamel boss, he expelled th super talented ”Fire tonight” singer for reasons. One, she had a new manager. Two,she was organising her concert behind his back. Three, he does not tolerate indiscipline. Though Bebe might have history as a strict disciplinarian, the above are aftermath of a storm that has been brewing for the better half of the year.
Rema’s romantic affair with Eddie Kenzo, a former Fire Base singer sparked friction between Bebe and Rema though he denies having anything against her personal life. ”Whether she is in love with Kenzo or Micheal Jackson, I just don’t care”, Bebe responded over the matter on local radio. The love affair fueled conflicting loyalty as Rema preferred to skip Gagamel shows for Big Talent’s up country events, a move that angered Bebe.When she uploaded on social media a party photo with Bobi Wine at Cayenne, she brok the proverbial camel’s back, confirming her new circle.
Her newly found friends despised her then boss. ”I don’t blame Bebe Cool but people who take him serious”,Bobi Wine menioned of his rival on a local radio interview over th matter.
Rema sought services of KT promotions Kayemba Geoffrey, Chris Evans manager to organise her maiden concert. However, Bebe claims, Rema has not come of age, yet! Though her actions prove otherwise, she joined Eighton and Rain on the unwanted list of artistes expelled from Gagamel.
If history is to believed, Rema might have made the best career move, flying solo. Record labels might offer publicity and the comfort but often over look personal career growth of those upcoming. Radio and Weasel, Cindy remain shining examples of those who broke through restrictive walls to make their own trail into the hall of fame.
Lack of respect, money hunger, exploitative contracts and punching the ”professional-glass-of-wine with personal bitter liquor still doges the local music industry as artiste management companies are yet to gain popularity.