By BigEyeUg Team;
It’s an end of the road for longtime musician Sophie Gombya as she steps down at her position as the Uganda Musicians Association President.
According to the statement below, Sophie has cited a straight path into active politics as the Woman Councillorship in Kampala capital City Authority which contradicts with the association’s constitution.

On the same note, she has nominated singer Ykee who also runs as the association’s Vice-president as her perfect replacement for this position.
“My untimely leaving would potentially create some difficulties, but I have confidence in the Vice President UMA Ykee Benda and our executive,” stated Sophie.
She also begged to stay for another month following her submission as this would cater for sometime to train or help in the transmission process to her replacement.
“I wish to stay for a month following this submission, and I’m happy to help in the transition process and/or assist in training my replacement via video conferencing,” she added.

Sophie Gombya’ one-year in office as has not been a ride to heaven as it has manifested both challenges and achievements.
Some of the top achievements which include; successfully lobbying government to put in place a commission of inquiry into UPRS operations, building bridges between Kampala and upcountry musicians and registration of new members to the association.

The Uganda Musicians Association initiated in April, 2019 and officially launched in May 2020 through a collaboration Ugandan artiste with sole back-up from the top names in the music industry.
It was established to protect and preserve Ugandan music while promoting unity among musicians.
Read SophieGombya’s Statement in full:
Dear …………..
Re: Resignation as President Uganda Musicians Association
Regretfully, I must submit my resignation from the position of President Uganda Musicians Association for career reasons, with a notice of one month from today. The Association’s constitution doesn’t permit us to practice politics, and I have decided to run for Woman Councillorship in Kampala capital City authority. (LC5 woman Councillor kcca)
I have had a wonderful time at Uganda Musicians Association and will miss working with the executive and my fellow musicians with whom we had become a family and have had such a warm professional relationship. I’m proud of the work we’ve done under my leadership especially, breaking all the chains between the Kampala and upcountry musicians.
I wish to thank you,
The Executive committee,
My fellow musicians,
Our advisory board members,
The right honorable Speaker of Parliament
Honorable Nakiwala Kiyinji
Major general Elly Kayanja,
our patron Hon. Mike Mukula .
Thank you for your support and mentorship.
My untimely leaving would potentially create some difficulties, but I have confidence in the Vice President UMA Ykee Benda and our executive. I wish to stay for a month following this submission, and I’m happy to help in the transition process and/or assist in training my replacement via video conferencing. Please accept my sincere apologies and help in the transition.
I will be handing over office to the Vice President of the Association Ykee Benda to his satisfaction, as required in the policy guidelines of Uganda Musicians Association.
Upon my leave taking, please feel free to contact me at my personal email ..( )or via my phone lines which will remain open
Thank you again
Sophie Gombya.
The Achievements-Challenges-Recommendations & Way Forward.
1.We have successfully lobbied government to put in place a commission of inquiry into UPRS operations.
2.We have built bridges between Kampala and upcountry musicians.
3. The registration of new members to the association.
4. We have maintained the image of the association by avoiding diversionary engagements and partnerships with opportunities and politicians
5. We have created a good relationship with most of the media Platforms/Houses.
6. We have been of help to some member who have had health or any other form of challenge.
1. The financial constraints have hindered most of the Association’s activities and operations.
2. There’s a lot of Bickering among members of the association.
3. Some members have diverted from the primary goals and objectives of the association and started chasing after personal benefits.
4. There’s no center of information which has made some members keep communicating to the public seemingly on behalf of the association, and that has some how dented the image of the association.
5. Some members’ contributions are so much and only in the WhatsApp group(where they argue, opposes and discourage good tabled ideas)than practical/profitable actions.
6. Politics is almost taking over the association and some members mix their political affiliations ,interests and feelings with the objectives of the association.
7. The lack of a proper Government policy on enforcing the Copyright and formalizing the Music fraternity is still a big challenging factor.
8. Up to now the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social development is not so much of help in as far as capacity building and empowerment of the creative artists and brands are concerned.
9. A lot is still lacking regarding the relationship between UPRS and the Music stake holders about their loyalties/revenues collections for their creative works.
12. The Corona /COVID-19 is a pending blow to the creative arts and Music fraternity in particular.
Recommendations & Way Forward
1. The President/Head and the committee of the association should be protected respected (as per the constitution of the association)by members and the advisors to the committee.
2. Should look for proper ways/avenues to soliciting funds to support the work and activities/operations of the Association.
3. The Public Relations desk/person/s should do their work with due diligence in order to avoid misinforming publics and other stakeholders.
4. Should continue to lobby government to put in place a commission of inquiry into UPRS operations.
5. Should continue to lobby government for policies that can build the capacity and empower the creative arts and the Music fraternity in particular.
6. The committee members should study and understand their roles, obligations and stick to only that!
7. Any member with any queries on the committee operations or the president in particular should always formally put it in write than verbal argumentative approaches.
8. The President, committee and all members should stick to the constitution, objectives and interests of the Association than their individual goals.
9. The Association be for all Musicians across the country.
10. The Association shouldn’t be in anyway whatsoever be affiliated to any Religion ,Culture or political party!
11. Any member of the association should always submit their proposals and opinions in writing and all should be in line with the Constitution if the association.
12. The Welfare and disaster/crisis management team should put in place and facilitated(to address the issues and challenges faced by the members from time to time).
13. The association should forge a way forward for the entire Music fraternity especially during this continuing covid -19 crisis which put all Music events in hold and its where most stake holders earn revenues.
We appreciate your outstanding commitment at the associations and we wish you all the best.