In an unexpected turn of events at the Enkuuka celebration in Lubiri, Mengo, Western Uganda’s prominent singer Ray G, also known as Reagan Muhairwe, found himself at the receiving end of an unusual reception from the crowd – being pelted with bottles during his performance.
Despite the shower of bottles, Ray G displayed remarkable composure and continued with his performance, defusing any potential escalation in the situation.
Speculations surrounding the motive behind the bottle pelting point towards Ray G’s recent clash with fellow artist Azawi in Mbarara.
Azawi, in a statement she released recently, accused Ray G of being disrespectful and unprofessional, alleging that he attempted to disrupt her performance at University Inn, Mbarara and engage in deceptive tactics – a pattern she claims is recurrent with central artists when they perform in Western Uganda.
We’ll keep you posted.