After over a year without the stand-up comedy show that always left viewers in stitches on NTV, rumour now has it that MIC CHECK is set to grace the TV screens once again.
Aggie Konde is one the people that has been pushing to have the show reinstated since it helped unveil new stand-up comedians, promote the industry and relieve the stress of the viewers.
Ssebakigye Emmanuel a comedian with Laftaz comedy lounge confirmed the rumour in one of his posts saying: “It haz been a question on the lips of some comedy lovers for some gud time. “What happened to the Standup comedy show u guyz had on NTV?” I believe the best answer these people would alwayz seek for was “we shall be back soon”.
I am feeling gud having heard a rumor that “MIC CHECK” will be back on NTV soon.” However we are uncertain of which comedy group that will be behind the show. Whether the original crackers will be showcased, or the two groups of Laftaz and Krackers. Irrespective of the outcome, this is great news for the comedy lovers and for the industry.