Finally, Urban TV gossip queen, Mary Luswata has come out to explain why she does the Scoop on Scoop show. The controversial TV presenter who is revered by many for her merciless on-air attacks on Ugandan celebrities revealed her purpose for the show – and it is a good one.
Mary, using the example of songstress Juliana Kanyomozi, explained that her show is about getting Uganda rid of celebrity dirt. She further said that her show is aimed at correcting celebrities into becoming proper role models for children and all the youths in Uganda and beyond.
Luswata started by explaining why she talks about certain celebrities like Sheebah and Juliana on her show. “I do this show and talk about some people because I need to get them to become real role models to our children. Take an example of Juliana, she did a new video called Woman but in the video she dresses badly and this doesn’t give our children a good image since she is a role model. Sheebah thinks that she is living her life, but many kids look up to her and what she is doing is not good at all. I do the dirty work, I expose and talk about them so that they can change for the better,” she said.
Luswata’s show has been running for about a year now. The show gained momentum shortly after it was started. The name Mary Luswata has now become a household name. It airs on Urban TV every weekday at 9pm.
We will keep you posted.
Staff Writer.