Indaba Expo is one of the foremost travel and tourism sector trade shows in South Africa. The show is regularly attended by more than 13000 qualified business delegates, senior corporate executives and other personnel from online tourism companies.
More than 1800 exhibiting companies take part at this four day show, which is held at the Albert Luthuli Convention Centre in Durban. Interactive discussions on the latest industry prospects and trends are highlighted during this event. Foreign visitors, from countries like China, India, United Kingdom and Italy, are present too. The total number of attendees at the event stands well in excess of 11312, including more than 658 media representatives. Hosted buyers are also present in large numbers at this comprehensive business event.
Some of the main items of exhibit at the show are transportation services, travel support facilities, accommodation options, camping equipment and game lodge facilities.
This year Uganda for the first time had a stall and it was represented by 10 private tour companies together with the Civil Aviation Authority, Uganda wild life Authority, the Uganda Tourism board and the ministry of Tourism.

Annette Kansiime from the Uganda Tourism Board said that Ugandan companies got a lot of exposure and there were many inquiries about Uganda’s investment climate.
Due to the many inquires about Uganda, there is a seminar that is being organized in order for investors to know more about Uganda. The seminar dubbed Uganda Country focus seminar will take place on the 27th October in Johannesburg.
More Ugandans should travel to South Africa for the 2015 Indaba Expo, since the Chairman of the marketing committee at the Uganda tourism board Amos Wekesa noted that the Indaba expo acts as a platform for marketing African products.
He says that investors from Europe and Asia come looking specifically for African products.