Pounding on the doors of fame of the music industry are literally hundreds of would be rappers from every suburb, high school or hostel. Like GNL or Klear Kut, that fame opened doors to, many are financing their dreams churning out demo CDs and debut albums and mixtapes, though some have managed to secure recording deals. Urban and exposed, rappers are quietly formalizing the music industery into a multi million business entity that its meant to be. Take a look.
Unlike Kidandali counterparts, who refer ”album” to a hit song or two prudent to launch an ”album launch”,rappers ”push so hard till they deliver” their debut album. Sold out CDs include Khoi Khoi amd the Mith’s Week of September. Currently on the shelves is St. Nelly Sade’s Okupata(translation) debut album with an impressive 18 track list. Ruyonga, Enygma, Santanna,Benezeri and a host of other new rappers are soon releasing their debut albums. However, without, a respected copyright law, the industry still faces ghosts haunting itself!
The most under utilised benefit of publicity is the commercial viability. Once an artiste sells as a brand,and turns his art into a commercial value, he is bound to die rich! This something Americans have mastered. On the local scene, its slowly picking up with Navio, Airport taxi, 4GB coming up with branded articles. Though on a small negligible scale, its a step forward in the right direction.
If managed with commercial knowledge, platforms like sound cloud, deezer,iTunes, reverbnation, could soon turn equivalent to setting up a fish stall on a beach!Music online sales is picking up.
This is how it works. Rappers who have made it reach down and pull friends into their clique. The star gives a verse as shot in a video . Think GNL and Mun*G. Broadly speaking, talent shines at the end of the day creating a powerful string of loyalty on which a commercial empire can be hatched. Think BFE.
Hov and Ye brought Manhattan Wallstreet to a stand still as they launched, their Otis video.On the local scene, Navio introduced the trend which is also picking up to become one channels to add to the weight of the brown paper bag while mingling with the fans.
Gliding all afternoon, mainly in their teens and twenties, exchanging smooth four part hand shakes and flashing out sleek phones to update their twitter,its not hard to recognize a hiphop fan. Though dressed in designer labels,and box fresh sneakers most are flat broke yet extremely loyal to download, attend shows of their favourite rappers. (However, that’s a story for another day)