You need not fathom books on how to propose a guy to make that excellent impression. You just need to chalk out some important points before your set out to propose that hunk of your dreams. Here’s how to go about it:
Prepare yourself: Always do the homework on what are his likes and dislikes first. Observe his mannerisms carefully and go about proposing logically. Emotions can come once you guys take off. So, note down whether all the indications and signals from him are truly worthy of getting involved and take a decision next. Always ready to hear the word ‘no’ also. There is equal possibility of getting rejected. So be prepared mentally for every outcome.
Groom yourself: This is very important. You need to be smart and make some smart moves. Don’t look lost on what to wear and which look to sport. Act casual but that act too requires lot of thought. So, think carefully on your hair style, you choice of apparel and also your footwear. Everything makes a difference.
Stay positive: Positivity says it a lot. The way you do things depends a lot on your positive attitude. It helps in making the lasting impression too. So, no matter what, make it a point to smile and be positive. Don’t be too self critical or critical about the world outside. Just be cool. Because that’s cool.
And go ahead, girl.
Source: Nairobi Wire