Popular YouTuber and blogger Kasuku has revealed that Geosteady has checked into a rehabilitation center to battle his drug addiction.

In one of his recent YouTube broadcasts, Kasuku shared that the singer was admitted last week to seek help for his addiction to crystal meth.
“Geosteady was taken to rehab last week,” Kasuku disclosed. “Someone sent me a message saying he acknowledged that he has a problem that needs to be dealt with and accepted. We wish him all the best; the first step forward is to acknowledge that you have a problem. We pray that he comes out clean and sober.”
Also Read: Geosteady Denies Rehab Rumors, Blames Friends for False Claims
Reports about Geosteady’s struggles with drug addiction have circulated for some time, with his former manager alleging that the singer was battling a serious addiction.
The manager further claimed that Geosteady’s situation had worsened to the point where he was losing control and needed urgent rehabilitation.