We set out to settle the big debate, of all Ugandan TV Presenters, who holds the mantle of the greatest, the best, the most formidable? Could it be Sheilah Gashumba or Zahara Toto. We focused on the social side of the Presenters. Pretty much, all the other categories of presenters do not feature here. But if you did entertainment, social life, fashion, name it all, we’ve come up with the ultimate list.
- Colin Serubiri (Jam Agenda)
If there’s a god of TV presenting, then it must be Colin Serubiri. Everything we know about presenting today, Serubiri did write the textbook. At his peak, he was having stints as a guest presenter on BET and Channel O. He built the template for TV presenters, from how to speak, how to stand, how to dress up. Serubiri was the man. He went from being a host at Sabrina’s pub Karaoke nights to transforming the craft. He brought the Jam Agenda idea and flew with it. As they say, the rest is history.
2. Straka ‘Baibe’ Mwezi (Late Show)
If there’s one person who built a loyal following, almost to cult-like status, it’s Straka. Late Show was the today’s equivalent of the Saturday Night Live. Although her life was full of drama, she did set hair trends every week at the Late Night Show. Most shows rock on Friday nights, but Straka transformed Thursday night with her show.
Here’s the rest of the list:
3. JK Kazoora
4. MC Kats
5. Douglas Lwanga
6. Barbara Yata
7. Calvin D’ Entertainer
8. Dennis Mawanda
9. Robin Kisti
10. Charles Oyimuke