Author: Our Reporter

Two decades ago, a young Fatboy joined Sanyu FM to try his art at the booming radio station. Year on year, he went to build a loyal fanbase across different themes. The more contrarian he became, the more they fell in love with him. He was articulate, well-researched and knew how to keep his audience engaged. It was free thought at full throttle. He would go on to advance the ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ school in Uganda. Many men lined behind their humble Messiah to the promised land of MGTOW. The Fat Boy was redefining masculinity and breaking down…

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Like the Prodigal son in the Bible, Sheilah Gashumba had decided to go out flying on her own. Where before she had been subjected to a life of curfew and controlled movements, Sheilah now suddenly had everything to herself. She could sleep wherever she wanted, and have all the joys of the bedroom, screaming out without any fear. She would go on to assure the world that it was God’s Plan for her to meet a God’s Plan, the man who’d made money as a teenager, teaching bullion vans the art of driving. Then, Sheilah Gashumba showed her ultimate cooking…

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Ever since the country went into a lockdown, Bebe Cool has calculatively avoided the controversial topics. Instead, he’s spent more time becoming the voice of unity and staying clear of politics during the pandemic. Bebe Cool started off by recording a COVID-19 activism song, then delivered a birthday cake to Jose Chameleone. For the rest of the lockdown, Bebe Cool has spent more time showcasing his family and focusing on the Amber Heart foundation. We’ve learned that behind this silence is a man who was sidelined by the powers that be at State House. The quick access he previously had…

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Latest coming in from Najjera and Nansana is that the two suburbs are seeking city status in a bid to show their might and prove their glory. Najjera in particular is seeking city status because their level of madness exceeds the normal levels experienced in other Ugandan suburbs. “We have the most serious block parties. We have the highest number of Subarus. We have all the slayqueens. Why can’t we be a city? We have more apartments in Najjera than Mbarara or even Jinja,” argued one of the Najjera residents. Nansana on the other hand thinks it’s high time the…

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Yesterday, we shared a story of how Makerere Professor Tickodri chased the original ideator of the Kiira EV car from the Project. Today, we have learned that the Kayoola Bus was never manufactured in Uganda as earlier reported. The much hyped solar-bus made in Uganda was never made here, but in China. has learned that the Kiira team used the funds to contact a supplier in China to send them a bus which they would later re-brand to ‘Kayoola’ and claim that it was manufactured in Uganda. The team at Kiira Motors used this link: to order two…

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Makerere University is no stranger to controversy, this time round, it’s about a group of Professors who stole a final year project from one of their students. It was a case of a supervisor taking over the brain work of one of their students and claiming it as their own. Put simply, it’s the biggest idea theft in the history of modern Uganda. But how did it all start? It all started in 2011 when a young Makerere University student, Steven Jeremy Ntambi approached his lecturer to commercialize his dream of a Ugandan made electric vehicle. Ntambi approached Professor Sandy…

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King’s College Budo may not be the Heaven that it is sold to be. Last week, old girls of Budo took to Twitter to reveal the hell tales from their experiences studying at Budo. For many souls, the experiences came as shocking revelations. Parents with hopes of getting their girls to Budo had to rethink their choices. Other parents with daughters at Budo were forced to reconsider their decisions. But what really happened at Budo? How did the school roll down the ugly alleys of abuse, misogyny and discrimination? It is said by the old girls that the boys and…

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Statement on Sheilla Gashumba I awoke to a message from Sheilla Gashumba, of a recording of my phone call with a client. Then a few seconds after that, my phone received a flurry of messages. I started receiving the screenshots of malicious social media posts that had been made by Sheilla Gashumba. I was startled of course. All my friends in the Public Relations industry reached out as well to check in with their advice. I listened to all of them, with the majority advising that I ignore her and not tell the world the truth. That it will blow…

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Uganda’s longest serving Bachelor, James Onen aka Fatboy aka Taata Rukia will live to remember his 45th birthday. As a Sapphire, Fatboy had wished he would spend his birthday relaxing on some exotic island in the Bahamas, but the God that he does not believe in, had better plans for him. Having tried to herald a rebellion at Sanyu Fm, Fatboy was played by his managers who fronted him as a scapegoat thus granting him an ‘early’ exit from the station. “He left as early as he ‘comes’ no warning, nothing, just in seconds,” one of his female sures noted.…

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She may be all smiles and dances, acting like everything is going to God’s plan but deep down, the pencil-thin hustler is not having the best of days. Sheilah Gashumba, daughter to motor-mouth Frank Gashumba is battling a smiling depression. According to Healthline: “Smiling depression” is a term for someone living with depression on the inside while appearing perfectly happy or content on the outside. Their public life is usually one that’s “put together,” maybe even what some would call normal or perfect. Sheilah today revealed that she was cracking deep within following constant social media bullying. “If it weren’t…

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