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Denzel won his first ever radio award in Uganda at the Buzz Teeniez awards about a week ago. The former Big Brother Africa representative for Uganda was excited to receive this award and trusts that he won it because of being different from others.  “I have ever won one award for TV but radio this is my first in Uganda.” He said in an interview after winning the Teeniez Hottest Radio Personality. By winning his first radio award, Denzel believes that he has made all his show sponsors proud as well as his radio station XFM. On whether this was…

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The hottest TV personality in Uganda according to the Buzz Teeniez awards, Mosha revealed that he is very scared of fellow talented TV personalities Douglas Lwanga and Mc Kats. Mosha Muyanja who is also the co-host of Skizzy and Fashionista on Urban TV was recently nominated for the hottest TV personality award which he won.  In an interview, the presenter who has been on air for close to one and a half years, was asked if he was scared of the competition in his category. To this, he responded saying that he was scared stiff. “I was scared, very scared.…

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‘Katikitiki’ singer Angela Kalule has lashed out at her nagging family members who are always in problems. The singer was heard complaining about the way family members are pulling her down with their problems and making her grow old before her time. “Sometimes you just need to put all your family’s problems off your back and think about yourself for once. Enjoy a few moments of pampering lest your face and body grow old and haggard before your time,” Angela said.  To this, a fan called Millyian responded saying that, “If your family is in poverty, it is your duty to…

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Singer Jose Chameleone signed a new manager called Robert Jackson last week. Jackson, a promoter who owns a company called Mutima entertainment comes in as a replacement for Sam Mukasa. This came after Chameleone had defended his former manager Sam and called him his brother amidst media reports that he had been fired. “Sam Mukasa is my manager and a brother for life. I am putting this straight- He is still my Manager and brother for life!!” he said. Word on the street is that after rebranding “Leone Island crew” to team Jose Chameleone, it was all about Chameleone and…

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Curvaceous singer Desire Luzinda has revealed her real turn on. Many city dudes have been seeking to find that one thing that makes Desire happy and she has finally mentioned it. Here is your chance to make her happy.  The ‘Equation’ singer who has been in media battles with Seiko over her 10 year old daughter Michelle, revealed that her true turn on are the colours “black and white.” She loves wearing them and would well reward anyone that gives her something with white and black on it.  “Black and White is the way to go.” She posted online last…

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By Our Reporter What’s the fastest way to the rabbit hole? Many guys wrote in asking which drinks make Ugandan girls super horny and sexcited. These are drinks that are the equivalent of viagra for females. 1. Redds Vodka LemonBuy her this one and she may even rape you. It’s the fastest drink to a Ugandan girl’s kandahar. Don’t buy it if you are not ready to give her leg. 2. Black IceThis is ranked second. Just a sip and the girl will be taking off her bras and giving you a BJ. This one brings out the slut in…

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By Edwin Junior It was an action packed one and half hours of pure talent and entertainment as Rated Next stars paid tribute to fallen Ugandan music legend Philly Bongole Lutaya. Unfortunately for one of the contestants his journey ended today. Today’s show being penultimate, there was a new twist with revelers being treated to surprise performances by guest artistes. To grace the night, included former finalists from previous editions of the Rated Next competition. As usual the contestants seemed to excite the crowd as well as impress the judges. At one point, judge Myko Ouma remarked, “I just have…

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Malawi is truly the warm heart of Africa at least according to Anne Kansiime. Her show in Malawi yesterday was sold out as fans supported Uganda’s comedy export in big numbers. “The Kansiime Anne comedy show convener tells me this morning that the 1600 pre-sale tickets to the show are sold out. Malawians got too much love for your ninja gal!! Is this love is this love we are feeling! Thank you God!” Her manager remarked. Below are some photos from the show. Staff Writer.

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Singer Sheebah Karungi shared her nude photos on social media sparking a lot of criticism from the general public who called her immoral. However the truth behind Sheebah’s nude photos is that she believes that she is an independent, strong and beautiful woman. Sheebah has in the recent past reached wonderful music that has swept fans off their feet. Here are the photos from her Instagram page. Staff Writer.

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The Great Lakes Fashion association partnered with The New York Fashion week and Kigali fashion week to hold a fashion intro event in Kampala. The event took place tomorrow at Serena hotel Kampala. Designers like Patrick Muhire and Gloria Wavamuno showcased their work. Fenon Events provided the lighting, Sound and staging for this high end fashion event. Production was done by LDJ Productions New York.  Photograhy by Papa Shabani Staff Writer.

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