Songbird Iryn Namubiru who was in the UK recently for the AfrikaFest alongside comedian Anne Kansiime had an epiphany at the show. Iryn, who prayed for the first time before stepping on stage, revealed that it was awesome feeling and its a practice she intends to imbibe. This was after Kansiime forced her into a group prayer before stepping on stage.
“For the first time, in my career I PRAYED before going on stage! Anne Kansiime prayed for us and when I mentioned it, there was a second prayer for me. It is a habbit I intend to keep. What a great feeling!” She revealed.
“There is no greater feeling than bringing someone closer to God. God continue to bless you Irene Namubiru,” Anne Kansiime said, responding to Iryn.
BigEyeUg Staff