When she said that she can eat posho and beans for her boyfriend MC Kats, we all blindly believed her, little did we know that Fille Clear and MC Kats’ love would burn out.
News on our desk indicates that their love is slowly dying out and their closeness fading.
According to a source who was watching them closely at the Mafikizolo concert at Serena hotel last weekend, Kats surprisingly kept his distance from Fille.
Although the two had played it well as manager and client at the Namboole show on Saturday, where Kats fixed Fille on the line up of Ugandan artistes to perform even after she had been dropped from the official list, Fille and Kats were like strangers the following day as Mafikizolo entertained guests.
Kats who has over 10 children each with a different mother, spent most of his time on Social Media chatting with other babes, as Fille looked on looking like a rejected village girl.
The two had no connection at all, not even a small time to share drinks together. After the show, Kats walked away and Fille followed like a loyal servant.
We will keep you posted.
Staff Writer.