Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the nightmare of many a man – all sexually active men actually.
No mind would be glad to suffer a failure of man-tool in the bedroom, not at all.
Many people are however silently living with one form of ED or the other.
In fact, some men are so used to it that they think it is normal and think nothing of it until it becomes so acute that they are useless sexually.
As they say, information is power, so this article seeks to expose some of the causes of that most damaging problem that ED is.
Here are 7 that most people suffer:
Depression – When you are depressed, it affects your sexual performance because sexual excitement starts in your head and works its way down. So depression can dampen your desire and can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Alcohol – Drinkers are in potential trouble because heavy alcohol use can interfere with erections, though the effects are usually temporary. Moderate drinking is however okay and may even help lower heart disease risks, similar to erectile dysfunction risks.
Medications – Even prescribed medicine, like some used to treat depression can also suppress your sex drive and make it harder to get an erection – they can cause a delay in your orgasm could affect your performance in the bedroom. Drugs like this include pain medications, antidepressants, and street drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana.
Stress – Like depression, stress makes it hard to get in the mood and your penis suffers. Try taking care with your well-being and relaxing, sleeping enough and exercising regularly.
Anger – Yes, getting angry can make the blood rush to your face, instead of the penis that needs it to have sex. A rage kills your romantic urge, even when it is not directed at your partner. Worse still, unexpressed anger or improperly expressed anger can cause performance problems.
Anxiety – Performance anxiety is a problem many people suffer – they worry that they will not be able to perform in bed and then end up underperforming.
Health – Some health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, spinal cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis can contribute to ED. Medical help is needed.