Much as the world is branding Leila Kayondo a liar at the moment after she retracted statements against tycoon boyfriend, SK Mbuga, the musician could be going through the toughest time of her life.
According to Sarah Kagingo, an ardent Social Media user in Uganda, Leila could be going through what most women in her state go through after domestic violence. They are turned into the monsters and forced to apologize to their tormentors. This raises questions on whether Leila Kayondo is being forced to apologize and kill all evidence against her lover Sully K Mbuga.
Sarah said; “Following my sister Leila Kayondo’s posts on alleged assault by one Mbuga, apology for reports to police and request for his release. Those posts must be made under duress, exactly what happens to women in abusive relationships; they lose self-esteem, are defenseless, often act against their interests.”
“Cases of assault are versed against the state. I urge police not to lose interest in investigating assault cases against women even when the women turn out as hostile witnesses,” she added.
“Often women report assault but later stand surety for perpetrators of violence out of fear that children may go hungry, school fees may not be paid! Many cases of domestic violence are not reported out of fear. Lives are lost to domestic violence! Did Mbuga whisper to friends and family that Leila may lose the vehicle or house should she pursue the case to its conclusive end? While Leila needs help to envision a future on her terms and a living without goodies, it is clear from her numerous posts that she has been severally assaulted, has cried out for help, now seeking abuser’s release out of pressure.”
We will keep you posted.