Sir Mathias Walukaga who will be staging his own concert later this month, is set to introduce Rema as his lover. The “Namboole” singer who introduced Rema to his friends at SC Villa recently, wants to take things a step further and prove that he is the father of her child.
The concert that will take place at Kavumba recreation centre in Wakiso later this month, was meant for Walukaga’s VIP guests. He later allowed organizers to print posters calling upon all his fans and all Rema’s fans to come and witness how ‘deep in love’ they are.
You might remember that just recently as Kenzo staged his mega Sitya Loss Nice and Lovely concert, Rema refused to attend and decided to spend the day hanging out with Walukaga. It is reported that Walukaga has managed to keep Rema close to his side using gifts and tokens of appreciations for loving him.
“He is head over heels for the girl. He recently bought her a Rav-4 Car, laptop and phone. He has really showed that he loves her and I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid is his. Rema on the other hand seems to enjoy his company. I saw them at an SC Villa match together recently, and although she is pregnant, she was not bothered to walk in the rain alongside her man,” said a fan.
Just a day ago, Kenzo issued an ultimatum to Rema to either come back to him or return all his property. The two had amassed some property during the time that they lived together last year. Although Kenzo has a kid with another woman called Tracy, he has demonstrated his love for Rema over time. Rema, has however failed to reciprocate the love, often running away from Kenzo.
An Eddy Kenzo fan narrated to us how disappointed he is in Rema; “He begged her to attend his concert at Kati Kati, so that he would introduce her to his fans, but she turned the offer down. He didn’t stop there, he begged her to go along with him to Mbarara and Masaka and attend his shows, but she still refused to show up. Sometimes I think that girl doesn’t love our Kenzo.”
We will be at hand to witness Walukaga introduce Rema to fans at his concert this month.
Staff Writer.