By Staff Writer
SK Mbuga officially wedded wife Vivian Mbuga is in tears after her returned husband dumped her for his long time side lover MTC Numbers. It has been rumored that Vivian and SK are in a middle of divorce and this has not gone well with Vivian.
Mbuga SK who has been away for two years is said to be furious with his officially wedded wife citing infidelity. His wife and baby mama is said to have gotten involved in many scandals and on many occasions was reported cheating on her hubby. She was one time reported to be sleeping with upcoming artistes.
While the twist of incidents have left Vivian furious and frustrated, SK Mbuga on the other hand seems to be enjoying a new relationship and tending to make it more obvious unlike previous times. Fellow money bag MTC Numbers is the new love of SK’s life and the pair cannot get enough if eachother lately.Both Vivian and SK have deleted their wedding photos from their Social Media Platforms.