My Name is Uti Nwachukwu, Winner Big Brother Africa ALL STARS.
Normally I won’t do BCs… But for months now I have been trying to get Africans to be Positive and to reward good behaviour.
Big brother Africa changed my Life and it was all thanks to everyone who Listened to God and voted for me.
My victory has gone a long way to inspire so many africans both young and old and has inadvertently led some on a path to their own victory.
One such person is MELVIN ODUAH! A young man who’s personality I can and will vouch for ANY DAY,AT ANY TIME!
What you have seen on Tv is no pretence at all!(Anyone who can pretend 24 hrs a day for 3months is definitely a witch! Looll).
MELVIN is one of the most humble and consistent,kind hearted human beings I’ve ever met!
What you see in that house is Exactly Who he is! :
A well behaved and well brought up young man with respect for everyone.
Kind caring and extremely pleasant and friendly
One who would not fight you for any REASON! Rather he would advise you and say to you: “no, but this is wrong now,its not cool o!” (Trust me I knw dis as I have tried so many times to provoke him! Looool)
Melvin is so SELFLESS! Once I tested him by putting him in a situation where he would have to step on his friend to move ahead and he said: no uti, make the job go if my padi has already been contacted! AMAZING! ( In entertainment, DOG eat DOG seems to be the way forward! But this young man was not desperate!)
His values, morals and conduct are worth emulating! Now tell me as a MOtHER, FATHER, UNCLE, SISTER and BROTHER- isn’t this the kind of person you would love to say is from your family?
Won’t you be proud to say to the rest of the world- AFrICA HAS A KIND LEGIT HUMBLE soul! That We are Good people from a great continent??!
I believe it is our moral obligation as a continent to reward decent and kind behaviour as it would promote love, peace, unity and progress.
If you have African blood running through your veins, it would be a crime to sit there and do NOTHING, no matter what part of the world you are Right now.
So, Please vote for Melvin by texting “VOTE MELVIN” to 34350 or log on to register & vote.
My name Is Uti Nwachukwu, Winner BIG BROTHER AFRICA ALl STARS! And I am Voting for MELVIN ODUAH. Thank you and God bless!!