Uganda National Examinations Board has sent a memo to all schools in the country urging them to keep their MOCK exam results at Standby just in case the current stand-still is not overcome.
According to sources at UNEB, Plan B has it that in case the release of the results gets delayed by another fortnight, UNEB will be left with no option but to use the MOCK results of students as the final results for promotion to the next level of education.
Headmasters around the country have received a memo asking them to submit verified copies of their Mock exam results to cater for the backlog being experienced due to “Scanner crashes” and failure to pay examiners.
For now, it’s like the playing field will be levelled, as all schools will have a chance to manipulate their results. UNEB also notes that for students in Senior 4 vacation, their PLE results will be considered to check if they are in sync with the Mock Results while those in Senior 6 vacation will have their Form 4 results and Form 5 results under light for this sync.
Till then, let’s prepare for history. After-all, even the scanners made history, only in Uganda where scanners crash.