What’s the one thing that a girl can’t leave without? A girl will detest you more than she detests a rapist if you deny her this? She may forgive a rapist but she will never forgive you if you let her go hungry without this one thing. That one thing is the Desire for Attention. The worst thing for a girl is not to be hated; the worst thing for a girl is to be ignored.
The recent sex tapes and nude photos in Uganda signify something that the mainstream media doesn’t recognize. Girls have become even hungrier for validation and attention than they were in the past. The recent women emancipation, feminism campaigns have simply created the phenomenon of a Slut culture.
While writing for my personal blog, I noted down the following as far as the slut culture is concerned;
“Another culture that crept in was the slut culture, here, by girls becoming sexually empowered; they lost their sense of shame. It was easier getting sex from a girl than getting her to do any other thing. Girls became very hungry for attention and validation. Nude photos became the order of the day. People tend to think that sextapes and nude photos are a new phenomenon, but the slut culture had already made all these possible. I found girls who were very willing to act as f**k-buddies, I found girls who desired sex without any strings attached. Men tend to think that they are masters of the ‘one-night stands’, but the slut culture made it possible for girls to actually turn the tables. Girls were hooking up with men simply for the sex. If men had thought that they knew how to play the game, girls could play it even better.
My biggest disappointment is that girls were having sex with the boyfriends of their friends, and the friends of their boyfriends without any one of the party ever finding out. All it took, was an assurance to the girl that you are not going to lock her down in a relationship, that all you wanted was sex from her, without any strings attached and she would be opening her legs for you.
When I took a deep introspection, I couldn’t imagine that some nice guy somewhere would be confident waiting for sex after marriage as the girl who was making her wait was having this sex at will with a bad guy. Although I have no mercy for any nice guys, I didn’t feel like the slut culture is what we needed.”
In a future blog post, I blamed this attention whoring on Social Media. I wrote;
“This is the story of Natasha, the virgin girl who had been oblivious to the attention-whoring demon in her. She joined social media since it was the trend of the time. No one had bothered to warn her about the drug she was taking, or about the depth of the social media rabbit-hole.
Her first status update garnered not so many likes, to be precise-not more than 10. Then she posted her first photo, with her cleavage all brightly cast for the audition of their likes, shares and comments. The inboxes started, every male was validating her about her wonderful curves, her nose, and her booty.
She realized that the more clothes she had on her body, the less her flesh showed, the less likes she garnered. She then decided to evoke the Kaizen spirit in her, she will always aim at surpassing her past likes, and comments. The only way to do this, was to show more skin, turn many men on sexually and notice the results.
She reached a point where she had no other flesh to show. Her tits had been seen, a part of her poosy had shimmered through when she took the other photo in her transparent lingerie. She decided to do the nudes, one nude without her face showing, another with her face showing. The LIKES were growing in number, she was receiving proposals by the minute in her inbox, men were lying prostrate in order to have a chance to get in her pants. She loved it, all this had surpassed her wildest expectations. Not even the few hisses she’d received from men in real life had validated her to this extent. Here she was, a wanking mannequin for many men, the goddess of boners.
She was left with no option but to get her dildo and record this on camera, she had to maintain her place up there, the continuous improvement in validation had to go on, and off she shot the sextape, and before long, she was the new socialite in town, her attention, the rare path she took, had carved out a career for her, now she could afford to hit the runway as a model, and as they say, the rest is history.
Natasha is an allegory of your modern girl on the commonest social media platforms. Social media has served as the activation energy for the slut that slumbers deep within every girl. Social media has been the catalyst; it has helped feed the attention-whoring demon that was being starved before the advent of social media.
One thing is clear; Social Media has turned women into validation junkies. The desire for attention is at an all-time high. If nudes are what it will take to fulfill this desire, then girls will take the nude photos. The female lust for validation is insatiable, it is one that keeps growing, and it requires continuous nourishment.
Any man who thinks he can maintain a happy long-term relationship with a girl who’s on all the social media platforms is a man living a life of an illusion. Because he’s competing with thousands of betas, who have all the time in the world to waste satisfying the attention these girls yearn for on social media.
We are witnessing a super collapse of the feminine woman, we are witnessing a slut walk on Social Media, the attention whoring is evidence enough of the slut culture that’s taking over. The heuristic then is, “if she’s on social media, there is a 99% likelihood she will cheat on you before you’ve even banged her.”
We could even derive a new formula that calculates the likelihood of her having sex, the number of dicks she’s taken in before you think of having a long term relationship with her.
Take your average girl: (Number of twitter followers + number of Facebook friends)* (number of average LIKES + number of average retweets + number of tweets and posts she makes in a day)/ (number of days she does spends off social media).
That my friend are the many possibilities of her having sex with any random person that’s not you. An evolved man then, has to think twice before committing to a girl who’s spending most of her time on Social Media, and worse, one who’s on all social media platforms with a good number of followers and friends. The slut in her that lusts for attention will always want to take in a random dick for that validation and that dick won’t be yours.”
Looking back, it’s as if I was predicting Zari’s sex tape. Especially that part where I write; “She was left with no option but to get her dildo and record this on camera, she had to maintain her place up there, the continuous improvement in validation had to go on, and off she shot the sextape, and before long, she was the new socialite in town, her attention, the rare path she took, had carved out a career for her, now she could afford to hit the runway as a model, and as they say, the rest is history.”
Thus, to me, sex tapes are not a big deal. They show something about the modern woman, something that’s hidden in every woman, the desire for attention.
Return on Queens on offers some perspective to sex tapes;
“There are two kinds of people who take naked digitals: 1. Stupid people who believe no one will ever get a hold of them, or share them after they’ve been voluntarily sent to a boyfriend, husband, etc. 2. Very smart people who know full well that torrid sex tapes or steamy naked selfies will increase interest thereby enhancing their career in some way.”
It seems Ugandan women of late have understood the rule; “The more attention she can stir up the higher the price of her pussy goes.” You just don’t know how many men want to bang Zari and Desire Luzinda after the leaks.
So here’s my prediction, in our life time, Ugandan girls will go topless as a normal fashion style. They have already gone pantyless in clubs. Sex tapes and nudes are all various forms of women’s covert communication. They are well calculated. Don’t be fooled, there are no leaks. Everything is well-planned in advance.
Whatever the future holds, you can expect that women are willing to do anything for attention. Women are willing to sacrifice reputation, feign sickness, create senseless drama, or even take nudes, as long as that will ensure their ability to keep gaining attention. As I wrote, women just can’t live without attention.
For now, I will retreat to my blog (www.ortegaian.com) and continue observing all these patterns.