By Moses Abeka
Wedding bells sounded. Halloween has triggered goose pimples in FortPortal, a woman was seen in a white wedding gown sending shock waves across the small tourist town that seats Toro Kingdom.
Speculating voices were heard whispering names of a royal. One counterfeit movie salesman in Mpanga market watching “Everybody hates Chris” was seen ejecting the compact disc from the DVD.
Some claimed it was the Bachwezi returning to life, others said Owoboshobozi Bisaaka. The bells sounded again and the woman was seen running like a bride escaping marriage to a rich fool her parent forcing her to marry.
Bodaboda guy rode towards the woman and his motorcyle’s headlights begun to flicker, dogs barked, alley cats ran for safety. Dark clouds covered the moon and lights went off!
People drew closer, summoned the woman to stop. On closer observation, it was a clown wearing a kanzu. He had heaped clothes on his butt!
Happy Halloweenh!!!