By BigEyeUg Staff
Dear catechists , teachers and friends i greet you all in the name of our father Jesus Christ. Jesus is our first and greatest teacher as St Paul taught us.
You as catechist’s play an important part in bringing the message to the people in this country. I wish before all else to thank you for the sacrifice that you and your families make and also thank your for the task that you undertake, thank you for your dedication and example to people.
Thank you for teaching the young people how to pray. Its so important a task for one to teach the children how to pray. I know that your work although rewarding is not easy so i ask the priest’s to support you in everything you do.
The holy spirit is open in whatever thing we do and the holly spirit will take route in whatever thing you do. The christian community in Uganda will slowly and steadily. I therefore ask all children to pray for me. “Omukama abaawe omukiisa”