Sensational Hip hop and reggae artist Nzaizi Hirji, famously known as Nazizi, was caught up in a Mpeketoni to Lamu road attack by suspected Al Shabaab militia last Wednesday in an incident she describes as ‘horrifying’.
Nazizi had just left a Peace Concert, which was staged at the Mpeketoni Uhuru Park featuring Nazizi, Prince Adio and Shamir, when they were ambushed.
She narrated the terrible ordeal on social media.
“Woke up on the 16th of December mourning my brother and feeling low. We left at 6am to go do a peace concert two hours from the island in Mpeketoni. Never imagined that my entourage and I would be caught up in the Mpeketoni to Lamu road attack by Al Shabaab,” she wrote on Instagram.
She added, “We left the peace concert in Mpeketoni in high spirits. Shortly into our journey hell broke loose . We made it out in the nick of time. We headed back to Mpeketoni which just brought back memories of last year’s attack with no security or any sort of help.”
“Next morning, I and some of the other artists were rescued by a small private owned Cesna owned by an amazing man #Fuzz from Lamu. I’m happy to be alive,” she concluded.