By Tuhairwe Joab
The producer of T Nation on NTV, Andrew Mulwanyi and his presenters -Sheila Gashumba and Kleith flew out of the country today evening aboard a South African airways plane for their trip to South Africa.
On their agenda, the triad is set to visit South African cities of JO Burg, Cape Town, Pretoria and others as they catch interviews with Ugandans in diaspora and other celebrities they will come across for their program’s content.
According to their producer Andrew, the trip will not interrupt the day today running of the program as they set their system before leaving. A recorded program will run over the weekend while they are away for other flavors to add in their program.
Meanwhile, this team is expected to return into the country on 12th this month despite one of them Kleith planning to use this opportunity to go to Dubai for a short holiday before she returns. The T.Nation have been exported to South Africa to get more exposure as far as swag is concerned.
Kansanga TV station aka Showcase TV launching soon
By Tuhairwe Joab
The revolution of TV seems to be going higher and higher. The numbers of TV stations in Uganda also seem to multiply day in day out totaling up to 10 stations e.g. Urban, NTV, NBS, SHIRO, Bukedde 1, 2, Chanel 44, and Record. It’s also being rumored that another station is starting in Kansanga. We shall keep you posted.
TVNEXT unlike other digital TVs in Uganda like Go TV, Mo TV, DSTV and Star times has gone ahead to start its own Television station called Show Case.
It is now about a week when this station started testing its signals and one of its first recruits happens to be former Urban TV presenter, Moshi.
As the station awaits programming, it is into playing local music, movies and is expected to provide market for our local movies in a bid to raise the 70% local content. It is expected to go officially on air come October 2013 hence huge competition for other local stations, as the Show Case appears to be more appealing to the youth who love watching music, soaps and films.
The station can also be got on TVNEXT if you own one.