Renowned singer, Sheebah Karungi, whose nude photos leaked to the public recently seems to be having a bad spell following her lately. The singer surprised many when she ran out of cash in Naalya and went to the bank to find that she had zero balance.
The singer who had hoped that she’d make a lot of money after the nude photos leaked like her counterpart Desire who now earns 25 million a week, was shocked and couldn’t believe herself when she found out that she had no money at all in the bank.
Sources say that Sheebah who had stood in line at a Barclays bank ATM was left in disbelief when she entered the ATM booth only to find that she had no money at all. “She held her ATM receipt in her hand murmuring things to herself while shaking her head. She got no money at all and she later went off towards Kiwatule,” said the source.
We hope Sheebah becomes more popular and shakes off all this misfortune which is following her from the time her nudes leaked.
We will keep you posted.
Staff Writer.