Sheebah Karungi, the musician who has been taking many nude photos and posting them online is in a fight with Daxx Kartel’s ex-girlfriend Irene Ntale widely known for her “Gyobera” song. Sheebah recently did a song called “Self Service” with Daxx and the two have been close since. Irene suspects that they are in a relationship, something Sheebah denies.
We tried to find out why Sheebah would use Daxx to get to Irene yet she doesn’t have a thing for him. We talked to Sheebah’s friend and here is what we found out. “Sheebah is trying to make her feel jealous because she has been spreading rumours that Sheebah was sleeping with her man,” said Sheebah’s friend. “It is clear Sheebah has no interest in Daxx but is using him to keep Irene in check,” she added.
Sheebah recently told a radio presenter that Irene is stuck to Daxx just to get fame. “She doesn’t even know how he smells, the guy is so professional, he cannot love that ka-girl” Sheebah said.
Daxx and Irene were dating at one point until they decided to call it quits. Irene who is also known for her songs Nkubukinze, Love Letter, Stay with me, Eno Ye Sawa and Addiction shocked many when she revealed on national television that she had never been intimate with any man recently. Daxx has however come out to refute her claims.
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Staff Writer.