By Staff Writer
May contain spoilers.
Emotional stability, good temperant are the least of qualities one could ask of a leader. Daenerys aka Dany lacks these. She will eventually die by her own qualities. I now know why Sansa was always skeptical of her as queen.
In Episode 4, we see the fight for the iron throne get to her head. It blinds her to making rational decisions. Perhaps, it’s all destiny, that legacy of her father’s madness. And this madness is attributed to the inbreeding among the Targaryens.
And Cersei knows this, she intentionally stirs it. That could explain why Cersei chooses to have Missandei murdered. Cersei’s strategy is to have Dany commiting self-destructive errors. She wants to hand Dany a pyrrhic victory. She would have to kill thousands of innocent city dwellers and destroy the city in the process.
Lord Varys thus faced Dany in the eyes and tried to advise her against her moves. “Do not destroy the city you came to save. Do not become what you’ve always struggled to defeat.”
On a beautiful note; men and women have been to crazy things after the long night. Although Arya lost her virginity before the war, she rejects Gendry’s marriage proposal.
Brienne finds love but for a short time. Although Jamie had never slept with a knight, Brienne had never slept with anyone. No wonder she tries to ask him not to go to King’s Landing. But hey, Jamie has done everything for Cersei. How will he handle the fact that Cersei is pregnant with Euron’s child. Whatever Cersei holds, it must be exceptional. The things Euron and Jamie have done to earn her are beyond explanation. Euron even killed a dragon.
Finally the man himself, Samwell Tarly. Gilly is pregnant. Tarly’s explanation? There are not many books a man could read. He had to find some books within Gilly.
But on the other hand, may be Dany’s madness is justified. She’s lost so much. She’s done much but no one seems to be grateful.
Some of the best quotes from this episode:
“Every good ruler needs to inspire a bit of fear.”—Tyrion
“I once pushed a boy out of a window and crippled him for life because of Cersei. I strangled my cousin with my own bare hands because of Cersei. I would murder every woman and child for her. She’s hateful and so am I.”—Jamie
“She’s a girl who walked into a fire with three stones and walked out with three dragons. How could she not believe in destiny?”—Lord Varys
“The longer I leave my enemies alone, the stronger they become.”—Danys
“If a handful of people know then it is not a secret, it is information.”—Lord Varys
“Jon’s funeral speech.” “Gendry’s marriage proposal”
As they often say, power is power.