The free face-to-face Ready to Work skills training is on starting December 5th 2016 at the HUB, Oasis Mall. Registration is free at Register. At the end of the training, participants will receive two Certificates; 1) Barclays ReadytoWork, 2) Google Digicon Mini.
ReadytoWork created by Barclays Bank and implemented by BrighterMonday Uganda together with DigiCon Mini – Created by Google and implemented by Blu Flamingo will provide face-to- face free training sessions from 5th to 16th December 2016.
This free Ready to Work self-taught training can be done both online and face-to- face, and can be completed within just two days. For more information, please follow us on Twitter @ReadytoWorkUg and Facebook @ReadytoWorkUg
Young people in Uganda are grappling with the challenge of limited opportunities, lack of skills and uncertainty about how to gain meaningful employment or become entrepreneurs. With the Ready to Work training, young people will be empowered with the training, support and learning they need to enhance their employment and self-employability prospects.
This training will further prepare young people for the critical transition from education into the world of work. It will be based on four modules namely: Work Skills, People skills, Money Skills and Entrepreneurial skills.
@ReadytoWorkUg is targeted at High school students in their A-level, University students, Tertiary institutions and graduates who already completed their respective courses but are looking to better their employability skills. This training is also appropriate for persons of all ages interested in scaling up their skills in any of the four module areas.
‘ReadytoWork’s primary aim is to improve the employment prospects of young people through education resources, online content, workshops and work experience, better equipping them to find work opportunities or start up their own business.
The ReadytoWork curriculum is currently in the process of being accredited through the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) which is recognized in all of Barclays’ 12 Africa markets.