Honor! Not a new thing to Prophet Elvis Mbonye’s followers, the so called Remnants. They have at it since 2017. As it has been the custom over the years, they have always gone all out as they celebrate their prophet in an annual honor event that collects thousands from across the world.

But as it looks, that’s not all there is about honor. Recently, many gathered at Sheraton Hotel Kampala in a similar kind of event, this time to celebrate one of his renowned spiritual sons, Wisdom K Peter, widely known as The Wise Teacher. The celebrants were known to be his partners and friends.
The event was graced by dignitaries from all corners including ministers of the gospel, business people, media personnel, name them. Clad in their Sunday best, they went out to celebrate this man of God and lavish their love on him for the impact he has made on their lives.

Notable of the ministers was Prophet Bryan Kagyezi whose friendship with The Wise Teacher, as described at the event, springs from way back.
The Wise Teache put perspective to the event revealing that honor is the secret of increase in our day.