The annual remnant gala with Prophet Elvis Mbonye is back this year. The prophet so famous for prophesying is globally celebrated and known for his prediction is of future events.

Annually, believers celebrate him at Zoe grounds every September.
The celebrations were virtual in 2020 due to the covid 19 pandemic, 2021 held in . This year 2022 the celebrations will return and unlike the past 2 years, the celebrations will attract crowds at Zoe grounds where Remnants all over the world will come together to testify the good deeds of Prophet Elvis Mbonye and his God.

The ceremony which started in 2017 is organized to celebrate and recognize the impact the Prophet has had on people’s lives.
The gala is going to see acts like the Zoe Worship team which includes gospel singer Ruyonga are expected to entertain the believers.
In the past years, the event has had international acts like Micah Stampley 2018 and Ron Kenloy 2019 performing live here in Uganda. This year’s celebrations will feature another gospel celebrity who remains a mystery until the event day.