Princess Komuntale has found a new man, a rapper called King Kanja from Kenya who is based abroad but Tooro Kingdom elders are not about to let her make the same mistake she made with Duke Thomas Christopher. They have rejected the wedding.
Sources from the Kingdom say that the elders have vowed not to let the wedding happen because they fear something bad happen to her after what Christopher did to her.
We have been told that the elders insist on the Princess getting a man from Tooro, Ankole or Bunyoro. They believe that such men would know how to handle a Princess unlike a foreigner.
Komuntale even took some time to show her new love to the queen mother who didn’t completely approve but stated that she wanted her daughter to be happy. It has also been said that the beautiful Princess who is based in the US is also seeing a Ghanaian prince.
Princess Komuntale was married to an American gangsta called Duke Thomas in 2013, their wedding ended with her nudes being leaked just after 8 months.
We will keep you posted.