By Staff Writer
Fresh from her house warming party where she hosted friends and family, musician Sheebah Karungi has said that she wants to put a man on her name.
This after several people have been asking the music queen who now owns a 5 bedroom mansion in Munyonyo who her man is.
In a joking way, Sheebah Karungi posted fellow musician Eth real names Ethan Kavuma online saying that they should fake date for Instagram to get people talking.
She posted; I Think Me & @ethlawinsky Should Fake Date For The Gram 😂… Seriously! Am So Fade Up With The “Who’s Your Man?” Questions😫😫😫…
We Look Good Together & That’s Enough For Social Media”
It may look fake but we all know that games like these always end up with the man and woman in bed.
Eth on the other hand looked very comfortable with a touchy Sheebah. I mean who wouldn’t want to date the sexy, rich and talented celeb.
Sheebah has in the past been tagged to her manager Jeff who she heartfully thanked for making her dream of owning a mansion possible.
We will keep you posted.