This is great news for parents across Africa and beyond. Verbatoria Talent Quotient Uganda in partnership with Auntie Jovita Children Foundation, presents the first ever Parental Factor in Talent Identification Conference. The conference will be held at Hotel Africana in Kampala on Saturday 27th August in Kampala starting at 10:30am. Entrance is sh50,000 per head only.

This will be the first ever conference that will bring parents together to discuss the real abilities of children. It will also help expose parents to ways of identifying children’s talent using modern technology.
Children have innate talents that parents take long to discover. Many times, by the time these talents manifest, the children have already grown up and taken other paths of life.
“We identify the inborn talents of an individual; what a person is naturally engineered to be,” says Elijah Bbale, the head Neurometrist and Legal Secretary at Verbatoria Uganda.
Keynote speakers include Benon Kasenene, the Country Director Verbatoria Uganda; Elijah Bbale; Kyambadde Mande Baker from Kabojja International School Uganda; Pastor Henry Kibirige, the CEO Sofos Consult Ltd; Dr. Prossy Nakanwagi, a medical doctor and Director Usonji Foundation (an activist and advocate for Autistic children) and Auntie Jovita.
Auntie Jovita, one of the Keynote speakers, is the brains behind the Auntie Jovita Children’s Foundation, a registered organisation with a vision to put a smile on every child’s face. She is a dedicated, experienced, passionate and a children’s mentor and specialist.
She has an experience of 17 years as a journalist, 12 of which as a Children’s Editor of the first children’s magazine in Uganda called Toto that is published in the New Vision newspaper, a leading Daily in Uganda.

Verbatoria Uganda is an organization that uses neumetria tests to identify inborn abilities. They are certified specialists who carry out a unique neurofeedback testing for children, teenagers, and adults.
UBC TV and SOFOS solutions Ltd will also be part of the conference.