When ‘Jose Chameleone’ sang ‘Basiima Ogenze’…many of you just enjoyed the rhythm and beat…But Lyrically the music-legend was referring to you Ugandans who always abandon your own when they’re still alive and after their last breath… you come up pretending to show much love when in real sense you’re actually celebrating their demise mockingly in a way of mourning! Now…you foolish Ugandans, you have so-quickly forgotten about ‘Jackie Chandiru’ who has represented Uganda on major music platforms worldwide! She has been entertaining you for a decade+! recently she was admitted and went under intensive care, she needed help but nobody cared to fundraise Not even a single coin! only to make noise Carol Carol Carol… Ninio ninio ninio…Who is Carol? And why Only Carol when thousands of cancer patients are down there stuck in Mulago hospital! Are they Not Ugandans? Please don’t get me wrong cause I’m Not hating on your now popular cancer patient Carol in particular but my concern is about Ugandans who fail to remember their own in the most critical time when they need them!
Fellow Ugandans…what did ‘Jackie Chandiru’ do to you? Well many of you are criticizing her for her drug addiction but is Jackie the Only Ugandan who has messed up her life? I can see thousands of you here are already messed up! Many of you sleep with your brothers and sisters, many of you are serial cheaters…you sleep outside your relationships and marriages everyday, many of you kill, many of you steal… Just that you haven’t been caught! Many of you rape your maids at home! And as I’m speaking right now there’s a man out there having sex with a house girl and the wife is at work…she knows nothing! Question is…. What is so big that Jackie Chandiru did to forget all about her! The problem with Ugandans you heat up so fast on several useless issues without thinking twice! Many people are using you by mistake, people take chances on you to achieve their goals! Now you look that this FDC man ‘Kiiza Besigye’, he’s always making noise ‘One Uganda One People’, you’re so rich Besigye but how many people have you helped? Not even a charity work! Only to make noise just to stay in the limelight! Now I hear you people are taking The Save Carol campaign to Mbarara where she hails from and Besigye will still follow! But if I may ask… has this become ETOFAALI fundraising, political campaign or should I say someone is earning big from this thing?
I even doubt if we have a body governing the Uganda music industry! If it does exist then the chairman and the whole committee are totally useless! I pity you Ugandan artists who have decided to keep quiet on fellow singer Jackie’s ailing situation but instead you choose to come up on social media making noise and how you wishing Carol a quick recovery from cancer! Shame upon you all! Please quote me well, I’m Not against Carol as an innocent young cancer patient! But in actual sense Why save Only Carol? Why Not also our music legend Jackie Chandiru who has worked tooth and nail to help this music Industry grow, Jacckie has done many songs that have healed many people’s hearts both in and outside Uganda! She has raised the Uganda flag on many occasions internationally! What has Carol done for Uganda? But Ugandans why do you forget so fast? Is it because Jackie Chandiru comes from the north and Carol from the west? Eh..eh Besigye and others…has this become tribal? Sometimes I look at some Ugandan musicians and wonder! Instead of coming up to sensitize especially the youth on the dangers of using drugs, many of you are just enjoying these drugs even in public! You know them!
One thing I’ve realized about Ugandans, you Only want to hear rotten news! many of you fools just enjoy posting R.I.P on social media and then turning up in thousands at National theatre to watch a celebrity’s body lying in a casket as you drink all night, that’s the definition of “Basiima Ogenze”, meaning.. you appreciate someone after they have gone!
But something really beats my understanding, over the years, Radio and TV stations have been playing Jackie’s music even as requested by her fans, but ever since Jackie got ill, Nothing has been done to help but instead they keep mocking her of her addiction to drugs!! Hahahaha….You look at a bogus musician like #KhalifahAganaga busy cleaning attention seeker’s shoes to save Carol forgetting there’s an ailing fellow musician down on a sick bed! Shame upon you all ‘Save Carol Organizers’ who left out all the other cancer patients at Mulago to die! If this wasn’t really a profitable campaign why didn’t you involve Mulago patients as well? The Kenyan government had just granted us free cancer treatment in Aghakhan hospital but those patients have no transport, Why Not fundraise for that instead of focusing on one person Carol!! On top of that even our government has done nothing to help, many of our significant figures die without any efforts done to save them! I feel so pissed off right now!! Martin Angume would have been saved, Harriet Kisaakye would have been saved, Aby Dhaira would have been saved and many more R.I.P!
Lastly.. Shouts out to all attention seekers who wait for public cameras to fundraise! Imagine someone flamboyantly giving out millions and buying flight tickets to save Carol…of which Carol is already being helped by millions of people across the country! Why not go to Mulago where there’s thousands of cancer patients who are Not-Only lacking treatment but also starving with nothing to eat! Please allow me to thank people like Angella Katatumba for her continued support to help the patients at Mulago hospital without showing-off! such people have to be appreciated cause they don’t do it to earn fame like some bogus-idiots like I hear so & so from South-Africa blah..blah…but Angella Katatumba and many others do offer their support as caring and concerned citizens! I repeat, it’s Not bad to help Carol cause I’m even one of those wishing her a successful operation and quick recovery as well, but I do think this fundraising would have been more meaningful if it was to help all the cancer patients at Mulago hospital and Not Carol alone! Stay blessed.