- MTN Shortz allows subscribers to post video content
- There is an opportunity for content created to generate revenue
- Video content of up to 10 minutes can be uploaded
- To subscribe and upload, visit www.mtnplay.co.ug/shortz

MTN Uganda in a continuous drive to become a digital company has today launched MTN Shortz, a short video streaming platform. MTN Shortz is a mobile-only service that allows subscribers to upload videos of no more than 10 minutes. MTN Shortz is available through mobile phones only on www.mtnplay.co.ug/shortz.
The streaming service allows subscribers to directly post video content from their mobile devices.
“MTN is creating an opportunity for its subscribers to create video content and earn from it. As the leading tech brand in Africa, we are always looking for ways to use technology to provide services that uplift the quality of life in the markets where we operate and so MTN Shortz,” said Olivier Prentout, the Chief Marketing Officer.
MTN Shortz has several channels that subscribers can pick to upload content of their choice. It consists of channels belonging to different content owners, which users can access to view a variety of content. For subscribers to view the content on MTN Shortz, there is a daily charge of between Ugx200 and Ugx1000.
For a video viewed, the content owner will be able to earn some money from the visits.
“The MTN Shortz channels will have local content videos, meaning that for the Ugandan content producers, there is an opportunity for views and extra income. MTN believes that MTN Shortz will be able to drive local content video production,” Prentout notes.
Adding “There is also an opportunity for those that want to be seen by professional content creators. There are several professional content creators that will be using MTN Shortz and will be able to identify the untapped talent. You won’t have to wait for the opportunity to come to you, you can create it.”
For the MTN Pulse community, MTN Shortz is empowering the lifestyle of creating an opportunity. There are several platforms where people can post videos, however on MTN Shortz, the fact is that there is an opportunity to make money. The MTN Pulse community, there will be several exclusive offers in order to access and use MTN Shortz.