Mexico’s president has denied a tweet by Justin Bieber saying the singer met with the president and his family prior to a show.
It was the latest sour note in Bieber’s controversy-filled Latin American tour.
President Enrique Pena Nieto’s office put out a tweet late Monday that read “@Presidenciamx denies meeting between President @EPN with the singer @justinbieber.”
That was a response to a tweet from Bieber’s official account saying “just met some amazing mexican beliebers and the presidente of mexico and his familia.”
The 19-year-old pop sensation faces two criminal complaints and demands for refunds in Argentina, in addition to trouble with police for allegedly spraying graffiti in Brazil.
Bieber angered Argentines by abandoning a concert after less than an hour and not showing up for a photo-op that some fans paid hundreds of dollars extra for. The singer’s manager, Scooter Braun, said Bieber came down with food poisoning after a concert Saturday, and despite eight hours of intravenous fluids, insisted on trying to do Sunday’s concert against doctors’ advice.
One Argentine lawyer is accusing Bieber of sending bodyguards to attack a photographer outside a Buenos Aires nightclub.
Another accuses him of defiling the national symbol by dragging two Argentine flags off stage with his feet and a microphone stand in front of 45,000 “beliebers” during the first of two scheduled concerts in River Plate stadium.
Source: FoxNews