Despite a lot of the myths out there about v!rgin!ty, if you are wondering how you can tell if a girl is still a virgin, the only way to know for sure is to ask her. Not even an examination by a doctor can confirm if a girl has had s3x. The same is true for guys.
Despite the fact that her answer is the only way to know, there are still a lot of cultures that believe you can tell if a girl is a v!rg!n. One myth is that if a girl’s hymen is intact she is still a v!rg!n. The hymen is a thin mucous membrane of skin that surrounds or partially covers the opening to the vag!n@. During s3xu@l intercourse the hym3n can sometimes break and tear, causing some pain and light bleeding, but many girls don’t have this happen at all. The hymen can also break through a lot of other means, such as vigorous sports like bike riding or gymnastics, using tampons, or through growth anddevelopment of her body. Some girls never have their hym3n break at all.