Moses Abeka
Ballistic stage lighting, check! Great voice, check! Great crowd, check! Women…ahem!
Rated by our readers as the most handsome man in Kampala, Maurice Kirya lived to expectations filling up Serena Victoria hall leaving some sitting on the floor. Please Kirya, will you pass some tips to Mega Dee?
Back to the story. Ladies love this man to pieces! Some carried ”Please Marry Me” placards while one got a chance of tying his shoe laces. That’s the kind of affection women have for this guy! The real winner of the night received a kiss to remember from the Malaika singer!She was had saying after the show that she fast bathing with immediate effect.
If Abdul Mulaasi were to set up a ”farm”, he would be an employee of Maurice Kirya, cleaning shoes of the ladies though some would prefer to do it themselves. If he decided to pursue his own farm, he would not attract even house maids, they would rather watch Agataliiko nfufu!
The 4 hour show ended at 10:45pm after he performed his entire music catalogue from ”Beera nabo” and crowning the night with ”Mulembe gwa Kirya” off his latest album ”The book of Kirya”. No curtain raisers were entertained. Ruyonga and Tabu flow put great performances as well. . He left ladies with a hollow facial expression, one similar to when a man withdraws just a second from the big O!
Yours truly spent the entire show, restraining his female companion who kept screaming, ”I love you Kirya!” I got my revenge after the show! Thank you Maurice Kirya for giving us a night to remember!