Residents of a village in Kirinyaga County are still reeling from shock following a scandalous incident in which a businessman was caught watching a blue movie with his neighbour’s wife.
The man, only identified as Peter, is a rice trader who doubles up as a peasant farmer. The woman he was nabbed with is a close friend to his wife and visits them regularly, sometimes unannounced.
Last Wednesday afternoon, the woman popped in to visit Peter’s wife who, unfortunately, was away (she had left the previous day for her parent’s place). Peter’s parents didn’t mind her visiting in his wife’s absence because she is a family friend anyway. But the children were away in school. How convenient, as it turned out!
Trouble began when a nosy neighbour who was passing by heard strange noises emanating from Peter’s house and tiptoed to the window to eavesdrop. Upon peeping through an opening, she saw a profusely sweating Peter sitting in a foetal position, with his hands clamped between his legs next to an equally sweating woman curled on the seat like a question mark. They were staring at a dirty movie. Interestingly, none of the two was talking apart from Peter who was mumbling gibberish as the woman stole shy glances at him.
Being a renowned loudmouth and busy body, the woman immediately ran around informing other neighbours, including the woman’s in-laws.
“The world must be coming to an end. Come and see what is happening in Peter’s house. How can you let your daughter-in-law visit that house to watch naked people?” fumed the gossip.
Neighbours rushed to Peter’s house wondering what was transpiring. Much to their surprise, Peter and his guest were indeed watching a dirty movie.
“Wuuui Ngai fafa, Peter kareee keeee (Jesus Christ! What is this you are watching, Peter?” exclaimed an elderly neigbour, seconds upon peering through the window.
Peter sprung up and switched off the TV and began defending himself — with the door still firmly shut. He shouted that they were ‘just’ watching the movie together to learn better ways of satisfying their respective spouses. And that besides being adults, they had committed no sin anyway since they were not intending to ‘do anything’.
“How can you dare come here to watch such things instead of tending your farm while your husband is toiling to get money for the family?” the woman’s father-in-law screamed, seething with rage.
Some neighbours suggested that the two should be disciplined but others opposed, pointing out that the two were not caught in an uncompromising position.
It was later learnt that whenever the woman visits Peter’s wife, they usually watch West African movies. Peter could, therefore, have introduced her to blue movies in a sly plot to make her engage in adultery.
The two were given strict warnings not to visit each other‘s homestead while the woman was declared persona non grata by Peter’s family.