Frank Gashumba has seemingly waged a full-fledged war of words against Makerere University students. In his latest assault, he reveals that Makerere University degrees are nothing to really be proud of as they can be bought off the street. Read his post in full below:
I rarely respond to Facebook posts and comments but a friend of mine called me today and we chatted like for 40mins on phone.
There is a growing tendency of students who went through Makerere University and those top 5 schools in Uganda to think they have to right or monopoly of ideas, actually they call themselves as the only “intellectuals”.
What they are forgeting is that the end justifies the means. I get mad when students from Makerere dont consider other Degrees relevant to our Society.
Who do you think you are? Some ugandans cant afford school, having a degree from MUK doesnt make you a super man, LETS RESPECT EACH OTHER BECAUSE SOCIETY DOESNT ASK FOR QUALIFICATIONS OF SUCCESSFULL PEOPLE.
Having a degree from MUK gives you no right to abuse, insult, de-mean or degrade others, for your information or for public knowledge,MUK Degree are sold in Super markets, actually you can even have a degree without stepping into a lecture room.
I know a person who has never sat in any lecture theatre in MUK and he has a Masters’ Degree and I know a young man who did the papers for him.
Its unbelievable to meet University Students and they are the opposite of what University students are supposed to be.
I’ave had a privilege of being invited to all Universities in Uganda mainly the ones in Kampala, the more you meet University students of Today, The more you realize where this Country is going. You meet a young man with a 2nd Class Upper from MUK but exclusively stupid and naive.
If education was the measurement of intelligence, Prof Lule would have been the President of Uganda up to today but he ruled Uganda for only 68 days, Godfrey Binayisa, a lawyer by Profesion and a QC ruled Uganda for 90 Days,
Dr. Milton Obote who was a S.6 drop out ruled Uganda for 8 Years, Idi Amin Dada P.4B ruled for 9 years, Yoweri Museveni- Pass degree according to Andrew Mwenda has ruled Uganda for 29 years and still counting.
Entrepreneurs: Steve Jobs RIP networth 7 billion, No degree, Richard Branson, networth 4.7 billion No Dregree, Oprah Winfrey networth 2.7 Billion No Degree, Micheal Zuckenberg, Steven Spelberg, Henry Ford, Bill Gates neither one of them has ever graduated from University.
How about Malcom X who dropout of school and his remembered much for what he learnt in prison.
You are graduate and you travel in a Taxi with 14 passengers that you dont know where they came from, one eating groundnuts and another one eating boiled eggs and another grasshoppers. I PITY YOU!!
Education is about inspiring one’s mind not filling their head.