Don’t ever make this mistake of walking into marriage with a truckload of hope…no, it’s either you accept the person’s baggage or weakness or you quit the relationship.
You are in a relationship with someone who shares a different belief system other than yours, who has a drinking habit, who beats you up, who smokes or is a spend thrift e.t.c and you believe he or she can change after the big word ‘Marriage’.
The worst is when your partner is a chronic cheat and you still rise up to their defense, ‘once we get married he or she would change’
Wake up! It’s not going to happen, people do not change because you asked them to, people do not change because they ‘re getting married, if it were so, many married men and women would have discarded the old habits they cultivated before getting married….
People change because they want.
Pay attention to the red flags you see during the courtship period , especially serious ones as alcohol abuse, violent temper, promise breaking, cheating e.tc.
The thing is, these things wouldn’t improve they may get worse overtime….
So choose to either accept this person with their flaws or you walk out before you say ‘I do’.
Yes, we all know in-laws especially mother in-laws have a little tension with their daughter in-laws . this is for women, before your marriage, you may harbor this thought of a nuclear family …you don’t want your husband’s people to interfere so you expect him to cut ties with them…
This is so wrong, when you married him, you practically married his people…hello?
So, drop that idea of not allowing his relatives to drop by the house, yes, it’s your house quite alright and you also have a say…
But you cannot block his family out…it isn’t possible, so just find a way and learn how to tolerate people…
When you don’t feel compatible with someone, when your heart tells you that it is a lie…when you’re so different and it leads to constant quarrels in the relationship…don’t try to get married, that would be an experiment…
Differences are not a major problem as long as the differences are not about life values and morals and incompatibility doesn’t kill a relationship. The real issue is how you handle your differences…am not asking you to be a coward but be true to yourself…Can you really work things out with this person?
Source: Davinadiaries.com