Musician King Saha is yet on another musical boat following reports that suggest he could have quit Team No Sleep. The Mulirwana singer has formed his own crew named ‘King love’ where he sings with a couple of other upcoming singers. King Saha now boss of his own King Love crew has also hired Eddy Kenzo’s ex-manager Ricky to manage him.
“He has formed his own crew and is also a boss of his own. He still shows presence at Team No Sleep but we dont know yet what their terms are,” an insider told us.
The Mulirwana singer together with his new manager and crew is already at work with his Duabi concert on this weekend. Apparently King Saha has already reaped from his brave decision to form own crew.
“He is now answerable to no one, and even he pays himself. He has already recieved so many bookings that will yake him upto April,” another insider revealed.
King Saha has previously been a memeber of Leone Island and Team No Sleep.