By Lee Osbourne
Just a few days after becoming the ambassador for Sports Club Victoria University, Jose Chameleone has also landed another mega deal and this time with iDroid Phones Company.
The latest news reaching our desk indicate that Chameleone and NTV presenter Kleith Kyatuhaire have been selected to become brand ambassadors for iDroid phones in Uganda and the pair have already signed a contract with the company that will see them earn big from the deal.
The NTV Style Project show presenter who was excited about scooping the deal broke the good news to the public after she shared a photo of her and Chameleone shooting the video for the advert which will start running on TV soon.
It should be noted that Kleith rose to fame after she began co-hosting T-Nation programme with Sheilah Gashumba on NTV before she joined Style project, a fashion show on the same station.