Musician Irene Ntale has been bitten by the love bug and can no longer shy away from showing off her lucky charm.
The “Sembera” singer who has been linked to several city men is set to finally put the rumours to rest as she plans to unveil her one true love to the public very soon.
Ntale has taken to social media to tease her fans about her lover. “Sembera aaaaaah owomukwano, SEMBERA nga sinaba kusanuka. Do you think it’s time for me to reveal who am seeing?” She posted.
The news of Ntale’s was received with mixed reactions with a section of fans seemingly disinterested in her love life.
“I love your music but some of us aren’t interested whether you are in relationship or not,” one of the fans noted.
However, other fans were excited by the news and want to know who the lucky guy is.
“Yes Irene, we love your music so much. And we want to know yo lover,” another commented.
Well, it is now only a matter of time until Ntale finally reveals her lover.
Staff Writer