By BigEyeUg Team
There has been a lot of talk about joining illuminati satanic cult in Uganda and how the youth are joining in big numbers. We took some time off to find out how Masons recruit Ugandans into their cult, the revelations are shocking.
According to our highly placed sources, illuminati groups in Uganda recruit young people through investment clubs and local social interaction clubs. In Uganda they use one of the biggest clubs that brings together big professionals in the country including doctors, lawyers, teachers, clergy, Politicians among others.
Through these clubs, the members are called upon to meet regularly, given masonic symbols in forms of awards to put in their houses and confirm the presence of the Lucifer in their lives. Members are categorized into two groups, namely; the Freemasons and the high level secret society members.
The free masons worship the dollar and money because the dollar has illuminati symbols embedded in it, it is the most preferred. The symbols contain demons which in turn give the holders and worshippers power and fame. Members usually hold shilling and dollar accounts in top banks.
The Freemason branch in Uganda is run by a top lawyer according to what we were told. It currently has over 300 members with each holding a rank.
They meet once in a while at a member’s home under the utmost secrecy. In Uganda, the youth are also being recruited into illuminati through NGOs (Non-governmental organizations). A popular fellowship group has been pointed at, as well as a popular anti-smoking campaign group among many others. We will keep you posted.